

Think Differently

Think Differently

Foundation for Reproductive Medicine (FRM) is a not-for-profit organization. Our mission is to help families grow by supporting original research and post-graduate medical education in reproductive medicine, with special emphasis on reproductive endocrinology and infertility.

FRM contributes to Infertility Patient Care through Research and Continuing Medical Education (CME) Support.

Our Pillars:

  • Research support is one of FRM’s two core pillars. We are always looking for new research proposals in reproductive biology and clinical medicine to assist and promote. Results of FRM-supported research must be made available to the global research community and on FRM's website. The research we support focuses on solving infertility problems to benefit humanity.

    If you have a research proposal that you would like FRM to review for financial support, please submit your proposal here. Research proposals are reviewed in the following step-by-step process in the next section below:

    1. Submission of letter of intent by the principal investigator.

    2. Submission of formal proposal.

    3. Review of proposal by an FRM investigator.

    4. Proposal review by independent reviewers.

    5. Submission for funding to the Foundation Board by the FRM President.

    6. Review by the Foundation Board for approval of funding.

    7. Fund dispensation per application requirements.

    Qualified proposals need to be from responsible investigators who have demonstrated prior experience with grant administration. The research has to be conducted, where applicable, with prior review and approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB). Applications should be submitted in NIH format.

  • Our second core pillar is CME. FRM strives to continue medical education through a variety of ways, mostly via events. We host a variety of events throughout the year with our two main types being GrandRounds, small but relevant talk, and the annual multi-day event, Foundation for Reproductive Medicine Conference which takes place every year in NYC.

  • GrandRounds, a CME lecture series widely attended by physicians and scientists in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, and scientists in all areas of reproductive biology. Featuring leading investigators in the fields, the complimentary CME series is co-sponsored by FRM and Center for Human Reproduction (CHR).

    FRMC, which started in 2016 and has been held in New York City every year since, has gained importance in the FRM’s work. The conference, Translational Reproductive Biology and Clinical Reproductive Endocrinology Conference, draws over 100 clinicians and basic scientists from over countries, with a stellar lineup of faculty presenting the most authoritative, up-to-date developments in the field. To learn more about the FRMC, please visit the conference website.

  • If you have important research findings in reproductive medicine and biology that you believe fit the GrandRounds’ scope, please submit an education proposal to INFO@FOUNDATIONFORREPRODMED.ORG, outlining the findings and their clinical implications.

Your Support Innovates

FRM's research and educational support offers much-needed funds to advance the horizons of what is possible in basic reproductive biology and clinical reproductive medicine, and for the dissemination of newly developed knowledge. With FMR support, investigators have introduced many innovative new treatments, now used all over the world, to help couples struggling with infertility, and have been able to disseminate their knowledge worldwide. Treatments that were inconceivable only 10 years ago are now possible and utilized in daily practice all around the world.


Think Differently

Think Differently